by Rylie Roco
In San Fernando, Pampanga, every December, a festival called the Giant Lantern Festival, or Ligligan Parul, is held. This features a lot of giant parol lanterns, which are circles with star patterns in them. Due to the amount of popularity this festival has gotten, San Fernando has been nicknamed the “Christmas Capital of the Philippines. The Giant Lantern Festival is composed of multiple barangays creating the best giant parol, the prize being bragging rights, I think.
When I was nine, I went to attend the festival. Lots of people were there, and there were 7 giant parols, all lighting up in different patterns to the same music. They were almost as big as a ferris wheel. This festival is definitely not for people who are sensitive to flashing lights. The parols lit up in multiple patterns. Inside to out, around like a wheel, and lots more. I would really suggest attending this festival when Covid calms down and we can see others face to face. I am sure you will have the best experience.